Friday 1 August 2014

Eid Mubarak

On Monday, 28th July we celebrated Eid. It was such a beautiful day, after many days of rain, Alhamdulillah.

We did not take many pictures because obviously on this particular day we did not charge any of our mobiles. So the photos i have are from friends and family!

This was a very special Eid for me. It was the first Eid I got to celebrate with my son and husband of course.

I felt like a proper house wife this Eid. After hearing that the moon was sighted the night before (27th July) I rushed to get started on my baking. just as my mother, Aunts and grandmother. We baked 28 loaves of bread, 4 dozen cupcakes, 2 baked cheesecakes, 6 fridge cheesecakes and many many more things. 

I literally stayed up all night. Alternating the oven with Bread and then cupcakes and then baking the cheesecake! and then once the cheesecake was ready we put the next batch of bread into the oven!

At about 3am i started making the frosting for my cupcakes! and by 5:30 in the morning i finally finished all my cupcakes. that was when i could rest my eyes until 6am. 

6am my husband had to get up and shower. He had to be in Mosque at 6:30am for Fajr Salaah. Luckily we live down the road from the Masjid!

And then my day started again by showering myself, dressing and sorting out the baby! but i enjoyed it so much! 

I don't think I will offer to do any baking for the next Eid. It was too pricey for us.

In a way, I feel that we contradict what the month of Ramadaan is all about... We fasted a whole month to become more spiritual, as a Muslim. To become closer to our Creator. To feel the hardship and hunger that so many people around the world feel on a daily basis.

And then, On Eid, we spend Thousands of Rands on so much food. Three or more main courses, 27 loaves of bread, 4 dozen cupcakes, various types of cheesecakes, bottles and bottles of fizzy drinks. 

The next Eid I think I will be trying something new. Changing this "Tradition" that feels like a bad habit Into something not as stressful and more beautiful because we take the time to appreciate the day, the beautiful weather, Our Health and to be Thankful for our Lives. Insha'allah.

Here are a few photos:
